Mar 19, 2021
For our ninth episode, we discuss the horrifying murder of Melissa Nease. Listen as KJ tells the Bearded Sailor all she knows about the shocking crime that shook her small community weeks ago.
There is a $20,000 reward for identifying the suspect in the murder of Melissa Nease.
Feb 21, 2021
For our eighth episode, we discuss the tiny town of Skidmore, Missouri. Listen as KJ tells the Bearded Sailor all she knows about the shocking crimes that have rocked this town for decades. From the unsolved murder of the town bully with dozens of witnesses, a tragic disappearance, horrifying deaths, and one federal...
Jan 31, 2021
For our seventh episode we discuss the kidnapping and murder and Holly Bobo. Listen as KJ tells the Bearded Sailor all she knows about the shocking crime that tragically cut short the life of the 20-year- old nursing student.